TEN Years of Services....
We are beginning the celebration of our TEN years of service to those that are marginalized and homeless in the Cedar Valley. We are asking for your donations in support of our services to the marginalized and homeless...No donation is too small.
Homelessness is not a warm and fuzzy topic...however, these are REAL people with REAL stories that need REAL help. We can only help them with your continued support.
Please be a part of our village of support as we begin our TEN year anniversary kickoff celebration...
$3 buys a roundtrip bus ride
$15 buys a 11 -ride
bus ticket
$50 buys food for a meal for 25-30 guests
pays phone and internet
$110 pays cable for a month
$250 pays
water bill for 3 months
$325 pays utilities for a month
buys a tent for someone unsheltered this summer
$300 pays a year of rent for someone in a Zero-income apartment program
Please be generous with your donations as we begin celebrating our TEN years of service. We will be celebrating for the next six months....December 15, 2009 is the date that we opened our doors. Thank you for being a part of our village of support.
Please mail contributions to:
Hospitality House
1003 Mulberry St.
IA 50703
Your donations are tax deductible. We are a 501c3 charitable entity.
Who We Are....
We are the daytime shelter for those in a homeless situation in the Cedar Valley. We are a 501c3 non profit.
We provide daytime hospitality for our guests from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily...seven days a week...365 days a year.
We offer a light breakfast, access to shower and laundry facilties, free clothing, sox, backpacks, coats, cold weather attire, sleeping bags, tents, blankets, food sacks, an address for mail, telephone messaging, local bus tickets for appointments, social service advocacy and a listening ear and compassionate hearts.
We have a lunch daily from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Serving between 20-40 guests each day, we are definitely making a difference in our Cedar Valley.